Feedback and Development Culture by Town Hall meetings

With the Quantified tool you can prepare town hall meetings by collecting questions and votes on these questions. This huge amount of data is used to find quick-wins, focuses to develop, and to track changes. The process is minimal, generates engagement and data suited for agile action planning.


In the modern workplace, town hall meetings play a central role in corporate communication. Employees value the opportunity to connect to senior leaders and expect a lot that makes town halls very important.  What and how it happens has a huge impact on company culture and staff engagement. It can be the centerpiece of a vital feedback and development culture or it can be a point of disengagement.

There is nothing worse than an all hands meeting when executives make long one-way presentations on company success and future plans. Employees start feeling that it is too long and isn't about them and mentally go away. They expected a two-sided communication, something that has to do with their everyday concerns, problems or desires. 


A living and cheap feedback system that generates engagement and data.


The best direction is when executives respond to employees' questions or problems they raise. Those questions or problems that interest most people and have a large impact on everyday life. But how to find out what the most important issues are? And how to use these questions not only to prepare communication but also as data to start development actions?


With Quantified you can make the most of your town hall meetings



Collect all relevant questions and problem focuses with genuine interactions. Make the preparation funny for employees and help the executive board to be well-prepared for the meeting.



See data that describe what problems, tensions need to and can be solved. Get benchmarks of fundamental metrics that give you a clear orientation. See and analyze all data projected to any group you specify.



Find quick-wins, no-go’s and involve people into projects. Do it regularly to implement a Feedback and Development Culture. Quantified certified consultants help you in data and action workshops.


Typical focus areas that can be uncovered

  • The employees are dissatisfied, demotivated, not very committed and have no real interest in the company and its success.

  • Horizontal and vertical communication is insufficient, no teamwork.

  • In the worst cases it comes to mobbing in the enterprise.

  • Processes are poorly structured or poorly trained and do not work or not well.

  • Customers complain about poor products or services and failure to meet deadlines.

  • The company suffers from a lack of innovation and is not competitive or sustainable. 

  • Sales have declined.


A healthy, natural and data driven development culture.


Unlimited use, several other options

To make the most of it the Quantified tool can be used as the most adequate Employee Satisfaction and organizational Development tool at once. We suggest running a Two-Questions Survey every year asking around “Why do you like working here?” and “What are the challenges we face now?”. These Two-Question projects will generate Deep Insights into your company and enable you to make an Action Plan for Development.

As mentioned above organize Town Hall meetings every 3-4 months where the CEO or the board answers questions added by people. 

In the meanwhile you can use Quantified for any feedback or preparation case. Examples: 

  • Retro: How can we improve the work of the project team? 

  • Meetings: What would you discuss in the next meeting?

  • Cohesion: What should we do on the next team building?

  • Remote work: What are your best practices for remote work? 

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