The end of the year is the natural place to make new plans

We all feel like starting a new life with every new year. Now you can see how your colleagues saw 2020 and where do they want to be in 2021. 


Fill out short, fun surveys together, and visualizE common goals

  • You send us the list of your colleagues in excel

  • We set up the surveys in 5 mins

  • Surveys are open for 5 days, your colleagues need 5 mins, to participate

  • We analyse the output and send you a presentation

Fun output for the team, insights for the management

  • You can share the output on your internal social network and newsletter

  • Team can see their honest self image.

  • Our analysis unveils team potential: where do you want to grow together.

  • Data can be used both in year opening communication for the team, and invaluable input for the management.


  • Service includes data analysis and a management workshop to present the findings

  • Money-back warranty: if you feel the output is not actionable. No further questions asked.

  • Ask for a price now!